Werner Liebregts is a PhD Candidate at the Utrecht University School of Economics. Working title of his PhD thesis being: “Hidden Entrepreneurship. Multilevel Analyses of the Determinants and Consequences of Entrepreneurial Employee Activity”. From November 2012 to August 2013 he was Junior Researcher at TNO (in Delft and Hoofddorp), where he worked on various projects that develop knowledge to boost sustainable productivity and employability, especially of people with a vulnerable labor market position.
Selected publications:
- Kok, J.M.P. de, Liebregts, W.J., Som, O. and Neuhäusler, P. (2013). The Impact of the Economic Crisis on European SMEs. Does a Country’s Innovativeness Affect the Reaction of Enterprises to a Major Economic Crisis? SCALES Research Reports No. H201305, Panteia, the Netherlands.
- Kwaak, A. and Liebregts, W.J. (2012). Time Series for Main Variables on the Performance of Dutch SMEs. Methodology Description. SCALES Research Reports No. H201204, EIM, the Netherlands.
- Vries, N.E. de, Liebregts, W.J. and Stel, A.J. van (2013). Explaining Entrepreneurial Performance of Solo Self-Employed from a Motivational Perspective. SCALES Research Reports No. H201208, Panteia, the Netherlands.
- Vroonhof, P.J.M., Vries, N.E. de and Liebregts, W.J. (2011). Zelfbewust een Zelfstandige Positie. Economische zelfstandigheid van zzp’ers: resultaten zzp-panel meting I van 2011. Research Reports on SMEs and Entrepreneurship No. A201112, EIM, The Netherlands.
- Vroonhof, P.J.M., Vries, N.E. de and Liebregts, W.J. (2012). Hoe ondernemend zijn zzp’ers? Resultaten zzp-panel meting II van 2011. Research Reports on SMEs and Entrepreneurship No. A201204, Panteia/EIM, the Netherlands.