Páger BALÁZS graduated as economist at the University of Pécs in 2010 and he is working as research assistant for the Institute for Regional Studies Centre for Economic and Regional Studies Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has been doing his doctoral studies since 2010 in the Doctoral School in Regional Policy and Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs. He has taken part in various research projects regarding measuring regional and national entrepreneurship, identifying development paths in Central and Eastern European regions and determining the regional innovation processes in Hungary.
His research interests in relation to this project concern regional entrepreneurship, innovation processes, and regional development.

Selected publications:
- Páger Balázs: The innovation systems in Central and Eastern European regions with special attention to the Hungarian cases In: Černěnko T, Ferčíková V, Szitásiová V (szerk.) 4th Winter Seminar of Regional Science: Proceedings. Konferencia helye, ideje: Tatranska Lomnica, Szlovákia, 2014.01.29-2014.02.01. Bratislava: Society for Regional Science and Policy – Slovak Section of ERSA Bratislava, 2014. pp. 1-17. (ISBN:978-80-225-3833-6)
- Páger Balázs: The role of the environmental industry in the development of the regions. The case of the German region Saxony-Anhalt In: Tihi B (szerk.) Regional cooperation in Europe: opportunity for the Balkans: proceedings. 337 p. Konferencia helye, ideje: Dubrovnik, Horvátország, 2011.09.21-2011.09.23. Sarajevo: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011. pp. 271-283. (Special editions / Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 137.) (ISBN:978-9958-501-61-6)