Márkus, GÁBOR is an assistant professor (post-doctor) in the field of entrepreneurship and accounting in the University of Pecs. His main research area is the evaluation of entreprenurial performance. He has participated on the side of Prof. László Szerb since 2006 in projects like building GEDI index, measuring students’ entreprenurial attitudes and aspirations.
Some of his research interests in relation to this project include entrepreneurship, competitiveness, accounting, and taxation.
Selected publications:
- Ács Z, Márkus G, Szerb L: Measuring the entrepreneurial behavior of the established businesses: An individual and a country-level investigation 4th GEM Research Conference, London Imperial College, London (2010)
- Márkus Gábor: Micro data based macro level competitiveness measurement. RENT Conference, Budapest (2009)
- Márkus Gábor: The Role Of Human Resource Management In Company-Level. In New Trends and Tendencies in Human Resource Management – East meets West, Pécs (2008)
- Márkus Gábor: Measuring company level competitiveness in Porter’s Diamond model famework. In: Kóczy László Áron (szerk.) FIKUSZ 2008 Business Sciences – Symposium for Young Researchers – Proceedings. Konferencia helye, ideje: Budapest, Magyarország, 2008.11.07 Budapest: Budapest Tech Hungary, 2008. pp. 149-158. (ISBN:978-963-7154-78-2)