Luca GRILLI is Associate Professor at Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of Politecnico di Milano since 2010, where he teaches Industrial Economics, Network Economics and Innovation at graduate and post-graduate levels. He obtained a MSc in Economics from the University of York (UK) and a Phd in Economics from the University of Siena (Italy). Grilli has participated in numerous applied research projects promoted by private institutions, Italian public regulatory agencies, Italian public research institutions and the European Commission (“VICO Project”, 7° Framework programme; “PICO Project”, 6° Framework programme) among others.
His main research interests are on entrepreneurship, innovation and regulation issues in high-tech sectors. Specifically most of his research effort is focused on the dynamics of NTBFs, their drivers of success, and the policy instruments best suited to enhance their creation and performances. He has been awarded the title of Visiting Professor in SPRU (University of Sussex) from May and June 2014. He has published in numerous scientific journals.

Selected publications:
- “ Government, venture capital and the growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms, forthcoming, with Samuele Murtinu, Research Policy, available on-line at:
- “Public Subsidies and the Employment Growth of High-tech Start-ups: Assessing the Impact of Selective and Automatic Support Schemes”, (2013), with Massimo G. Colombo and Silvia Giannangeli, Industrial and Corporate Change, 22, pp. 1273-1314.
- “Venture Capital Investor Type and the Growth Mode of New Technology-based Firms”, (2013), with Fabio Bertoni and Massimo G. Colombo, Small Business Economics, 40, pp. 527-552.
- “Venture Capital and the Growth of High-tech Start-ups: Disentangling Treatment from Selection Effects”, (2011), with Fabio Bertoni and Massimo G. Colombo, Research Policy, 40, pp. 1028-1043.
- “On Growth Drivers of High-tech Start-ups: Exploring the Role of Founders’ Human Capital and Venture Capital”, (2010), with Massimo G. Colombo, Journal of Business Venturing, 25, pp. 610-626.