Hans Schenk is professor of economics and Fellow of the Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute at Utrecht University’s School of Economics (USE) of which he was founding director. Before accepting the professorship at USE, he was a professor of economics and business at Tilburg University and an associate professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Groningen. Hans Schenk graduated from the University of Oregon, obtained his MBA in the collaborative Leuven/Cornell programme and his summa cum laude doctorate in economics from Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis. He has held chairs at several foreign institutions, among which the China-Europe Management Institute in Beijing and Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg. He currently is a fellow of CIBAM at Cambridge University (UK).

Selected publications:
- Oostwouder W., Schenk H. (2014), Modalities of an efficient and sustainable governance of ABN AMRO (in Dutch), Nederlands Juristenblad 4: 250-257
- Angelov P., Rosenkranz S., Schenk H. (2014), Competitive Effects of Merger Remedies in Europe’s High-Tech Industry, Journal of Competition Law and Economics (forthcoming)
- Schenk H. (2013), Towards an industrial policy inspired by the public interest (in Dutch), Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën 45 (4): 208-215
- Chegut A., Schenk H., Scholtens B. (2011), Assessing SRI Fund Performance Research: Best Practices in Empirical Analysis, Sustainable Development 19: 77-94
- Oostwouder W., Schenk H. (2011), Corporate Governance: Current issues and the financial crisis, Deventer: Kluwer Academic, 160 pp.