Gábor RAPPAI earned a degree in Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, in 1987. He gained his Candidate of Sciences in economics in 1997 and became a Hablilitated Doctor in economics in 2003. He began his career at the University of Pécs as a trainee and later as assistant lecturer. From 1997, Dr. Rappai works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, and he is the chair of the Institute of Business Methodologies. His main research fields are financial time-series data modelling and econometric testing of casualities. From 1998 to 2005, Dr. Rappai was the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Research interests in relation to this project are mainly statistics and econometrics.
Selected publications:
- Rappai Gábor: Bevezető pénzügyi ökonometria (Introduction in Financial Econometrics) Harlow: Pearson, 2013. 145 p. (ISBN:978 1 78365 416 1)
- Rekettye Gábor, Rappai Gábor: How to Set Tution Fees at Public Universities in Hungary INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INSIGHTS AND TRANSFORMATION 5:(3) pp. 64-68. (2012)
- Ács Zoltan J, Rappai Gábor, Szerb László: Index-Building in a System of Interdependent Variables: The Penalty for Bottleneck pp. 1-26. GMU School of Public Policy Research Paper No. 2011-24 (2011)
- Szerb László, Siri Terjesen, Rappai Gábor: Seeding new ventures – green thumbs not fertile fields: individual and environmental drivers of informal investment VENTURE CAPITAL 9:(4) pp. 257-284. (2007)
- Szerb László, Rappai Gábor, Makra Zsolt, Siri Terjesen: Informal Investment in Transitioning Central and Eastern European Economies: Individual Characteristics and Clusters. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 28:(2-3) pp. 257-271. (2007)